
Enduroframe at Sydney Build 1-2 May 2024

Join us at Sydney Build 2024

1st – 2nd May 2024, ICC Sydney

We would love to invite you to visit Enduroframe’s Sydney Build display at booth M59 at the Sydney International Convention & Exhibition Centre. Come along and learn more about the ENDUROFRAME® Building System, the ENDUROCADD® design software and ENDURO® rollforming solutions!

If you would like to secure time to speak with a framing expert about the ENDUROFRAME® Building System and how to get started manufacturing efficient Light Gauge Steel frames, click through to book a meeting

Sydney Build is Australia’s largest construction and design show which will be held at the Sydney International Convention & Exhibition Centre on May 1st & 2nd. Register your no-cost tickets today at

We look forward to seeing you there!

ENDUROHUB Portal Update January 2024

ENDUROHUB Portal Update January 2024

ENDUROHUB®️ is a powerful online application to provide the data to efficiently run a factory to manufacture light gauge steel frames. ENDUROHUB®️ converts files generated in the ENDUROCADD®️ software into files that can be made by ENDURO® rollformers following predefined rules to meet individual fabricator preferences to optimise productivity. Additionally, ENDUROHUB®️ includes features such as sorting fabrication sheets according to assembly sequence, organizing wall panels for efficient stacking on trucks, tracking production and assembly progress, and generating comprehensive reports.

This article describes three new features introduced to ENDUROHUB® in January 2024.

Improve safety by trimming the ends of the top and bottom plates to avoid any cuts caused by overhanging ends.

Generate Cuttings lists and Files for Production for assembly time logging and aiding organization of parts before assembly.

Copy and Customise System Reports instead of starting a report design from scratch.

Trim ends of top and bottom plates

In this iteration of the ENDUROHUB® application, we have incorporated a feature that allows for trimming the top and bottom plates by up to 3mm at each end. This functionality is intended as a safety measure to mitigate the risk of cuts in cases where plates protrude beyond studs.

To configure the trim distance for individual rollformers, navigate to Settings > Enduro Settings > Rollformers. Please exercise caution when utilizing this option.

Generate Part lists and Cutting lists

Did you know that the ENDUROHUB® portal can generate records for logging assembly time?
This feature was added as part of the Assembly Tracker system.

In this version of the ENDUROHUB® portal we’ve added the ability to include additional lists in the fabrication record.

Having these lists attached to the fabrication record ensures staff can organise parts before assembly activities start. This is potentially a big time-saver enabling assembly staff to focus on assembly and not searching for – or cutting – ancillary parts.

Copy and Customise System Reports

Previously, it was not possible to customise a System Report template. Now, you can open a System Report in the Report Designer then click Save As to copy the System Report and customise it for your own use. This is really handy so you can add your own logo, or even change the data that is shown in the report.

At Enduroframe, we are focusing on expanding the capabilities of ENDUROHUB® beyond cutting lists and provide metrics to aid scheduling and allow reporting on manufacturing processes.

Contact us today to learn how ENDUROHUB® can be tailored for your business needs.

Interested in learning more about ENDUROHUB®? Check out these related articles:

For students of our ENDUROCADEMY online training portal, there is an ENDUROHUB® Basics course available here

Sustainability of House Frames Made From TRUECORE® steel

Sustainability of House Frames Made From TRUECORE® Steel

With sustainability being an important consideration when constructing a home its good to take a holistic view of the materials that go into the build. TRUECORE® steel makes an excellent choice. Whilst it can be carbon intensive in its manufacture, the manufacturing process is only part of the emissions profile of a material. TRUECORE® steel is strong, durable and versatile and a good choice for buildings designed for long life and that require flexibility to accommodate future reuse options without significant reinvestment.

The inherent properties of steel allow it to be reused, remanufactured or recycled into equivalent, or higher quality products, over and over again. As it is highly recyclable, steel is also less likely to end up in landfill.

Durable and resilient

TRUECORE® steel incorporates BlueScope’s industry-leading metallic coating incorporates Activate® technology, to provide enhanced corrosion resistance. Its long life can help conserve resources and energy that may otherwise be invested in products with a shorter life span.

Incorporates recycled materials

Across the range of steel products manufactured by BlueScope in Australia, including TRUECORE® steel products, the average recycled content in the steel is 17.4%1, which includes pre- and post-consumer recycled materials. Materials reclaimed within the steelmaking operations represent an additional 6.8% average recovered content.


The steel in TRUECORE® steel is 100% recyclable without loss of quality.

Design for disassembly and reuse

Frames made from TRUECORE® steel are lightweight, durable and can be screw assembled – highly suitable for modular design, and can be designed for disassembly and reuse.

Reduced onsite waste

As frames made from TRUECORE® steel are fabricated off-site to exact specifications, minimal offcuts are generated during fabrication and minimal cutting is required onsite. This means that minimal waste is produced onsite, which results in greater material efficiency and potential waste removal cost savings.

Consistent quality

BlueScope’s Australian manufacturing facilities are accredited to the globally recognised standard ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems), demonstrating BlueScope’s commitment to continual improvement.

Produced by a responsible manufacturer, BlueScope

BlueScope is a founding member of ResponsibleSteel™, the industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standard and certification initiative supporting the responsible sourcing and production of steel. BlueScope achieved ResponsibleSteel™ site certification of Port Kembla Steelworks in February 2022.


For further information around the sustainability and the environmental impacts of using steel in your project please reach out to us.


1. Across the range of steel products manufactured by BlueScope in Australia, the average recycled content (according to recycled content categories defined in ISO 14021:2016) in the steel is 17.4%, which includes pre- and post-consumer recycled materials. Scrap and iron-bearing materials generated and reclaimed from BlueScope’s steelmaking, coating and painting operations represent an additional 6.8% recovered content, which is not reported as recycled content. Scrap from rollforming and fabrication processes are included as pre-consumer recycled content. The figures provided represent our best estimate at the time of publication. For current recycled content figures please contact BlueScope Steel Direct on 1800 800 789.

ENDUROCADD® Software update October 2023

ENDUROCADD® Software Update October 2023

We are excited to release the latest version of the ENDUROCADD® and ENDUROCADD® NX Software! Read on to learn about Hip Type 3, staggered noggings and more new features for detailing ENDUROFRAME® Building System light gauge steel frames.

Hip Type 3

The Hip Type 3 is the biggest building feature we have added to the ENDUROCADD®️ software in a few years with several benefits over alternative hip end options:

  • It is suitable for low pitched roofs less than 8 degrees.
  • It ensures that all the trusses in the hip end are properly designed and verified, and that all the tiedowns connecting them are adequate.
  • It features bent tab connections, tabs that can be folded to attach trusses to girder trusses, making installation easy and fast. The tabs have been extensively tested at a NATA-accredited laboratory to determine their strength and performance.
  • The Hip Type 3 can accommodate raised heel heights, which are ideal for situations where extra truss strength is needed.
  • It is the only hip option which allows box gutters to run around multiple roof faces.
  • It is the most similar to timber trusses, which makes it easier for installers to adapt to light gauge steel.
  • The hip girder truss is centred on the hip line which is preferred by many roof installers.

Find out more about Hip Type 3 at the introduction page here
ENDUROFRAME® Help Centre login required

Staggered noggings

Traditionally, studs in ENDUROWALL® panels are threaded through the web notches in continuous noggings. The benefit of continuous noggings is that they are rolled in a single part and require fewer screws to connect to studs.

Fabrication of wall panels may be sped up and automated if studs do not need to be slid through continuous noggings. By breaking noggings down into sections that can fit between studs they can potentially be installed last after the rest of the frame has been assembled (in a vertical axis) which removes a lot of the access issues screwing in the middle of the frame which can be difficult to reach.

Look for the new checkbox for Staggered noggings in Wall Detailing Options in the ENDUROCADD® Software.

Improved NC-Data Errors & Warnings

We’ve revised the way NC-Data Errors and Warnings are communicated after feedback from both ENDUROCADD® Software detailing frames and ENDUROHUB® Portal users who generate cutting lists for ENDURO® Rollformers.

NC-Data Errors must be fixed by detailers before a job is released to manufacture. If Errors are not resolved there may be delays in production because ENDUROHUB® will not allow cutting lists to be generated in order to avoid rollformer damage or jamming of parts in the rollformer. 

If the Error is caused by ENDUROCADD® Software rather than a detailing decision, please report the issue. Especially if the error cannot be resolved by editing parts in the wall/panel editor or truss editor.

Jobs with NC-Data Warnings are allowed to be rolled. The intent of Warnings is to flag to detailers that they should probably fix them to avoid minor assembly issues.

A modified message box now appears highlighting any errors to the detailer to show what must be fixed before a job is submitted to manufacture. This message box can also be brought up in the Options menu even after a job has been detailed.

Ancillary list with product codes for ERP systems

An often-overlooked aspect of detailing is creating comprehensive lists of ancillary parts which need to be delivered to site. This is often an additional process to work out what ancillary parts are required, adding them into an ERP system, and generating lists that can be provided to a storeman to pick from. ENDUROCADD®️ makes this process much simpler with much of the process automated.

Using the Order Parts feature, it is possible to use formulas to calculate the quantities of ancillaries. This release of ENDUROCADD®️ has fixed a number of issues so that user-defined part codes that may be used in an ERP system can be selected in the partdatauser.xlsx file and added against all parts in the Materials Usage Markup Report.

We have added standard Ancillary lists into ENDUROHUB®️ so checklists of parts can be generated and printed out to enable parts to be selected for delivery.

Show/hide user loads in Truss Editor

In the Truss Editor, you can now easily check loads that have been applied to the truss by typing Ctrl+L or go through the Show Menu.

User loads are shown in a table with numbers on the truss corresponding to each row.

How to install ENDUROCADD® Software updates

Click through to the ENDUROCADD® Software release notes for further information on new features and instructions on how to install the updates:

ENDUROFRAME® Help Centre login required

Speak with a Framing Expert

Insert your details below for a free consulation with on of our experts on manufacturing the ENDUROFRAME® system.

ENDUROHUB update Oct 2023

ENDUROHUB Portal update October 2023, R3-17

We’re very excited to share all of the new features available in ENDUROHUB® in October 2023. We believe this is one of the biggest releases of ENDUROHUB® since its introduction and you can see how it is taking shape to play a central role to manage your business, and have some really cool features that are only available in the ENDUROFRAME® Building System for Light Gauge Steel Frames.

Click on the link below to find out more information on this ENDUROHUB® Portal Update and detailed instructions on how to use the new features. ENDUROFRAME® Help System login is required for access.

High Accuracy Printing is here!

Over the last couple of months we’ve been doing testing on how ENDURO® Rollformers can accurately mark the locations of trusses on top plates. A huge thanks to Steer Manufacturing, Stoddarts and Centurion for the use of their rollformers for testing.

With this ENDUROHUB® Portal update the correct NC data can now be applied to locate trusses and rafters on top plates that can be accurately printed by ENDURO® rollformers.

This is a great example of the ENDUROCADD® Software, the ENDUROHUB® Portal, ENDURO® Rollformer HMI software, the PLC and Markem Imaje printers all working together to make it easier to install frames on-site. This has taken extensive research and development over several years to get all aspects of this process working. We believe this to be a world-first for steel framing system.

Rollforming data sent from HMIMk5 v6.0.7.0 to ENDUROHUB

In the most recent update to the ENDURO® Rollformers HMI software, HmiMk5 version, one of the big changes was to allow cutting list progress to be sent from the HMI to ENDUROHUB®. This ENDUROHUB® update is the second half of that work, to see the information from the HMI in ENDUROHUB®.

Assembly Tracking, Fabrication Records

While rollforming data is sent from the ENDURO® Rollformer HMI and reported in ENDUROHUB®, the new assembly tracking features in ENDUROHUB® allows data assembling walls, trusses and other ENDUROFRAME® Building System components to be collected and easily viewed.

The specification for Assembly Tracking features in ENDUROHUB®, including background information on assembly and fabrication metrics, and why it is important to your business is documented here, ENDUROHUB Assembly Tracker (ENDUROFRAME Help Center login required).

Step-by-step instructions on how to record assembly work in ENDUROHUB® is documented on this page, How to use the ENDUROHUB® Assembly Tracker(ENDUROFRAME Help Center login required) 

Make sure you attend the webinar!

Rollforming and Fabrication progress reporting

After the ENDURO® Rollformer operation software update, HMIMk5 v6.0.7.0, Rollforming progress reporting in the ENDUROHUB® Orders list is improved and more stable. Parts are highlighted green in Cutting Lists when they are completed.

When you upload assembly work information to Fabrication Records, this information is used for Fabrication progress.

ENDUROHUB Rollforming and Fabrication progress bars in the Orders list
ENDUROHUB Cutting List progress: completed parts are coloured green


With this ENDUROHUB® update, ENDUROHUB® managers will be able to view new Dashboard features which uses data sent from ENDURO® Rollformers, as well as data from the new Fabrication Records.

Dashboard: Rollformer Charts, Production Overview summary

The Production Overview Summary chart is now on the Rollformer Charts tab. This chart uses information from the HMI and reports on the rollformer run time.

Dashboard: Rollformer Charts

Dashboard: CutParts Charts, Meters Run

The Meters Run charts has been moved to the new CutParts charts tab. This chart uses information from the HMI and reports on the lineal meters rollformed over time. You can show different Product Codes e.g. C7575ra.

ENDUROHUB Dashboard: CutParts Charts

Dashboard: Fabrication charts 

Various summary charts of assembly data across all jobs are available on the Dashboard’s Fabrication Charts tab:

  • Number of Screws Inserted Per Work Man Hour
  • Total Screws assembled
  • Lineal m of product assembled per man hour
  • Total lineal m of product assembled
  • Meters of assembly per man hour (Wall length and Truss/Floor joist span)
  • Total meters of assembly (Wall length and Truss/Floor joist span)
  • Total hours worked
  • Number of fabricators
  • Break types

These charts use information added to an order’s Fabrication Records.

ENDUROHUB Dashboard: Fabrication charts

Click on the link below to find out more information on this ENDUROHUB® Portal Update and detailed instructions on how to use the new features. ENDUROFRAME® Help System login is required for access.

ENDURO® Rollformer operation software update: HMIMk5 Version

ENDURO® Rollformer operation software update: HMIMk5 Version

We are pleased to announce the release of the eagerly awaited update for HMIMk5, the software used to operate ENDURO® Rollformers which occurred on Monday, September 4th, 2023.

Logging of Coil Information is now possible!

There are several new features included in this release which will improve the operation of your factory. Coil information can now be recorded directly into the HMI including the coil number and the coil weight or length. In turn, this enables the following to be done:

  • Reduce the amount of scrap at the end of coils by loading the exact length of parts to be made
  • By connecting the HMI with ENDUROHUB®, measure the amount and type of scrap that is generated on each coil
  • Get a warning when the coil is down to a user-defined length so that the next coil can be prepared
  • Ensure that the machine setting is compatible with the thickness of coil that is being loaded
  • Provides a check that parts that are thinner than have been detailed are not accidentally rollformed (contact the Enduroframe team if you want this check turned off)

Information from the HMI is now able to be automatically read by ENDUROHUB®!

Tick the 3 boxes below in the Setup menu to have information from the HMI automatically and seamlessly uploaded to ENDUROHUB®.

This uploads a wide range of data which can be used by ENDUROHUB® including dashboard on productivity, rollformer uptime and downtime, the status of manufacturing orders, as well as scrap records. This is our first step towards making ENDUROHUB® your factory management tool so you can track productivity and costs.

Click on the link below to watch a 2 minute overview of these features.

Click on the link below to find out more details on what is included in this release and detailed instructions on how to use these new features.

What do you need to do?

Before the update, follow these steps:

Speak to an expert about how to get started making the ENDUROFRAME® system. Insert your details below and we will call you back.