Fabricator updates

SteelPro Framing Specialists: Premier Light Gauge Steel Fabrication in Western Australia

SteelPro Framing Specialists:
Premier Light Gauge Steel Fabrication in Western Australia

Based in Canning Vale, WA, SteelPro Framing Specialists leverages over 50 years of combined construction and engineering expertise to deliver innovative steel fabrication solutions using the ENDUROFRAME® Building System.

The distinguished team comprises chartered structural engineers, building services engineers, and experienced detailers who collaborate to create cost-effective solutions that align with project budgets and timelines.

SteelPro FS excels in delivering complete solutions across:

  • Residential projects
  • Commercial developments
  • Infrastructure projects

SteelPro Framing Specialists’ comprehensive service package includes flooring systems, wall framing, and roof truss installations. From the outset, they have demonstrated their technical prowess by successfully tackling complex projects, including the sophisticated design and fabrication of frames featuring architectural arches for a childcare facility in Perth.

Their dedicated team of experienced site installers ensures seamless project execution, offering both supply and installation services for efficient project completion. The company’s partnership with a chartered structural engineer has enabled them to specialize in replacing traditional structural steel with light gauge alternatives, resulting in:

  • Cost savings
  • Reduced installation time
  • Simplified construction processes

SteelPro FS maintains its competitive edge through the implementation of the cutting-edge light gauge steel ENDUROFRAME® Building System which has been specifically tailored to meet Perth’s unique construction requirements while ensuring full compliance with National Construction Code (NCC) guidelines.

Architectural arch frame by SteelPro Framing Specialists in WA

Find out more

For further details, click through to the SteelPro Framing Specialists webiste or call the team directly on on 08 8244 6821

SteelPro FS website

ENDUROHUB Portal Update June 2024

ENDUROHUB® Portal Update June 2024

ENDUROHUB®️ is a powerful online application to provide the data to efficiently run a factory to manufacture light gauge steel frames. ENDUROHUB®️ converts files generated in the ENDUROCADD®️ software into files that can be made by ENDURO® rollformers following predefined rules to meet individual fabricator preferences to optimise productivity. Additionally, ENDUROHUB®️ includes features such as sorting fabrication sheets according to assembly sequence, organizing wall panels for efficient stacking on trucks, tracking production and assembly progress, and generating comprehensive reports.

There were many highly requested features added in the June 2024 ENDUROHUB® update:

  • Assembly Height added to Assemblies and BOM tabs
  • Fabrication Record Improvements
  • Customised Assembly Rates
  • Rollformer shown in Order Screen
  • Strap bracing cutting lists now available for ENDUROBRACE machines
  • Short noggings can now be manufactured
  • and more!

Assembly Height added to Assemblies and BOM tabs

A new column has been added to the “Assemblies” tab and “BOM” tab which displays the height information of Wall, Truss and Joist assemblies. The height column can be enabled from the “Column chooser”.

It’s now possible to automatically sort assemblies by “Height”. ENDUROHUB® portal managers can turn this on by adding “Height” to the sort options in the “Fabrication Sort Profile” settings.

In addition to sorting by assembly height, it is also possible to put assemblies into a batch based on their height.

Reports can now be generated with Height and Width information of assemblies to work out the Panel and Truss stacking without needing to use “Panel Stacker” software.

An example of possible sort settings includes:

  1. Sorting trusses by truss span, and then by height to get a “pyramid” of trusses;
  2. Sorting wall frames by panel height, and then by panel width so all panels that are the same height can be made together with the longest panels at the bottom of a stack.
ⓘ The Height information visibility in ENDUROHUB® along with the width information would largely work as an alternative to Panel Stacker if explored to its full potential.

Hide Orders in the Order Screen

This version allows users to select which orders can be hidden in the order screen. This means that orders that have been completed are not shown in the order screen so that you can focus on the orders that still need to be made.

The added bonus of this is that that orders that are not hidden will load faster.

ⓘ Orders that are hidden are not deleted. To see any hidden jobs select the Show hidden jobs tickbox at the bottom of the Orders screen.

Fabrication Record Improvements

While assigning assembly times to Fabrication records, the pre-defined breaks would be automatically included based on the start and end times selected against the fabrication record.

The Start and End times of Breaks are required to be defined in Assembly settings.

ⓘ The BOM tab is used to split an order’s parts into batches and sort parts into the sequence they will be rollformed.

Customised Assembly Rates

In the Assembly Settings, you can now customize rates for permanent, part-time, and casual staff to gain a more precise insight into assembly costs. If these fields are left empty, the system will default to using the average assembly cost per hour.

Rollformer shown in Order Screen

Users can see which rollformer batches have been assigned to in the Order screen. This makes it easier to see which rollformer an order will be made on in multi-rollformer sites.

Strap bracing cutting lists now available for ENDUROBRACE machines

It is now possible to create cutting lists for ENDUROBRACE machines. This means strap braces can be manufactured in the same sequence as wall panels with wall panel IDs printed on the straps. You can select which types of strap braces cutting lists are created for. Strap braces can be batched and sorted.

This makes creating strap braces much faster!

Short noggings can now be manufactured

Until now, short noggings were not designed in ENDUROCADD® because they couldn’t be manufactured in the ENDURO® rollformer due to the length of the web notch.

This is now changed and ENDUROHUB® will add transition parts on each end of a short nogging head or sill which enable the part to go through the rollformer without getting jammed. These need to be cut off when the nogging is installed.

The default is to make short noggings with extensions at each end, however this can be changed in the Settings Profile.

The details of this feature can be seen at EE-85 – Short Noggings on Panel Ends beside Openings – ENDUROCADD Help (login required)

Other features added to ENDUROHUB® in June 2024

  • Columns can now be resized in the Orders Screen;
  • Fabrication charts in the Dashboard can be filtered by shift
  • There is a Loose Usage Order sequence in the Sort Profile;
  • Pack numbers can be manually added to assemblies in the Assemblies Tab and a Pack number column can now be selected in the cutting list tab
  • Headings are now added in the Release Order function to identify which batches have – and have not – been released

At Enduroframe, we are focusing on expanding the capabilities of ENDUROHUB® beyond cutting lists and provide metrics to aid scheduling and allow reporting on manufacturing processes.

Contact us today to learn how ENDUROHUB® can be tailored for your business needs.

Interested in learning more about ENDUROHUB®? Check out these related articles:

For students of our ENDUROCADEMY online training portal, there is an ENDUROHUB® Basics course available here

ENDUROHUB Portal Update January 2024

ENDUROHUB Portal Update January 2024

ENDUROHUB®️ is a powerful online application to provide the data to efficiently run a factory to manufacture light gauge steel frames. ENDUROHUB®️ converts files generated in the ENDUROCADD®️ software into files that can be made by ENDURO® rollformers following predefined rules to meet individual fabricator preferences to optimise productivity. Additionally, ENDUROHUB®️ includes features such as sorting fabrication sheets according to assembly sequence, organizing wall panels for efficient stacking on trucks, tracking production and assembly progress, and generating comprehensive reports.

This article describes three new features introduced to ENDUROHUB® in January 2024.

Improve safety by trimming the ends of the top and bottom plates to avoid any cuts caused by overhanging ends.

Generate Cuttings lists and Files for Production for assembly time logging and aiding organization of parts before assembly.

Copy and Customise System Reports instead of starting a report design from scratch.

Trim ends of top and bottom plates

In this iteration of the ENDUROHUB® application, we have incorporated a feature that allows for trimming the top and bottom plates by up to 3mm at each end. This functionality is intended as a safety measure to mitigate the risk of cuts in cases where plates protrude beyond studs.

To configure the trim distance for individual rollformers, navigate to Settings > Enduro Settings > Rollformers. Please exercise caution when utilizing this option.

Generate Part lists and Cutting lists

Did you know that the ENDUROHUB® portal can generate records for logging assembly time?
This feature was added as part of the Assembly Tracker system.

In this version of the ENDUROHUB® portal we’ve added the ability to include additional lists in the fabrication record.

Having these lists attached to the fabrication record ensures staff can organise parts before assembly activities start. This is potentially a big time-saver enabling assembly staff to focus on assembly and not searching for – or cutting – ancillary parts.

Copy and Customise System Reports

Previously, it was not possible to customise a System Report template. Now, you can open a System Report in the Report Designer then click Save As to copy the System Report and customise it for your own use. This is really handy so you can add your own logo, or even change the data that is shown in the report.

At Enduroframe, we are focusing on expanding the capabilities of ENDUROHUB® beyond cutting lists and provide metrics to aid scheduling and allow reporting on manufacturing processes.

Contact us today to learn how ENDUROHUB® can be tailored for your business needs.

Interested in learning more about ENDUROHUB®? Check out these related articles:

For students of our ENDUROCADEMY online training portal, there is an ENDUROHUB® Basics course available here

Unlocking Business Success: The Hidden Value of Online Training for Your Team

Unlocking Business Success: The Hidden Value of Online Training for Your Team

In the ever-evolving landscape of building and construction, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. As a Light Gauge Steel business owner or manager, you understand the importance of efficiency, quality, and consistency in your operations. One powerful tool that can contribute significantly to achieving these goals is online training for your staff. In this blog post, we’ll explore the often-overlooked benefits of investing time in training your team using Enduroframe’s online LGS training portal, ENDUROCADEMY.

1. Save Time

New features in ENDUROCADD® software, ENDUROHUB® portal, or ENDURO® rollformer HMI are created with the express intent of reducing work time. Whether it is eliminating a lengthy on-site workaround, automating a repetitive detailing process, or incorporating a business management process that was previously performed in a different system. 

It’s one thing to read about new features but if you’re not given a chance to integrate them into existing processes, you’re more likely to stick with what you know. Give your team a chance to make their jobs easier (and complete work faster) by encouraging them to complete online training and embrace time-saving new features.

2. Onboard new employees quickly

Ensure your new employees hit the ground running by giving them access to ENDUROCADEMY LGS Training as early as possible. We have courses designed for beginners that cover the fundamentals of the Light Gauge Steel industry, ENDUROCADD® software basics and ENDUROHUB® portal basics. Online LGS training courses can be accessed anywhere, at whatever time is convenient and don’t require the assistance of other team members to complete. 

We won’t share names but we’ve even had prospective employees request access so they can learn the basics and nail their job interview.

3. Cost effective and accessible

Previously, the Enduroframe team delivered training in person. This required a significant investment for businesses sending students to attend training in Melbourne, or hosting training in their own facilities.

Now, with the basics covered by online training, expensive in-person training can be reserved for more specialised scenarios that are tailored to your business needs.

3. Customisable 

Do you have a process that needs training? We can prepare courses, training videos and documentation based on your requirements. Course access can be limited to your employees only. Or if the training is for a product or service your business is selling, shared with all ENDUROCADEMY students.

Another great feature in ENDUROCADEMY is the ability to set up teams where the team manager can assign training to team members and view progress.

Conclusion: Empower your Team, Propel Your Business

In conclusion, the benefits of online training in ENDUROCADEMY extend far beyond the surface level. It’s not just about learning for the sake of learning; it’s about empowering your team with the tools and knowledge needed to drive your business forward. From mastering time-saving software features to ensuring a consistent and high-quality output, the impact of investing in training is undeniable.

As a forward-thinking business owner or manager, consider online training not just as a checkbox for compliance but as a strategic investment in the growth and success of your organization. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, you’re not just shaping employees; you’re sculpting the future of your business.

Get Started Today!

The best part about ENDUROCADEMY? It’s free for Enduroframe licensees! Check out the full list of courses available at endurocademy.enduroframe.com/courses-page.

If you or your staff would like to enrol in ENDUROCADEMY, contact us at [email protected]

ENDUROHUB update Oct 2023

ENDUROHUB Portal update October 2023, R3-17

We’re very excited to share all of the new features available in ENDUROHUB® in October 2023. We believe this is one of the biggest releases of ENDUROHUB® since its introduction and you can see how it is taking shape to play a central role to manage your business, and have some really cool features that are only available in the ENDUROFRAME® Building System for Light Gauge Steel Frames.

Click on the link below to find out more information on this ENDUROHUB® Portal Update and detailed instructions on how to use the new features. ENDUROFRAME® Help System login is required for access.

High Accuracy Printing is here!

Over the last couple of months we’ve been doing testing on how ENDURO® Rollformers can accurately mark the locations of trusses on top plates. A huge thanks to Steer Manufacturing, Stoddarts and Centurion for the use of their rollformers for testing.

With this ENDUROHUB® Portal update the correct NC data can now be applied to locate trusses and rafters on top plates that can be accurately printed by ENDURO® rollformers.

This is a great example of the ENDUROCADD® Software, the ENDUROHUB® Portal, ENDURO® Rollformer HMI software, the PLC and Markem Imaje printers all working together to make it easier to install frames on-site. This has taken extensive research and development over several years to get all aspects of this process working. We believe this to be a world-first for steel framing system.

Rollforming data sent from HMIMk5 v6.0.7.0 to ENDUROHUB

In the most recent update to the ENDURO® Rollformers HMI software, HmiMk5 version, one of the big changes was to allow cutting list progress to be sent from the HMI to ENDUROHUB®. This ENDUROHUB® update is the second half of that work, to see the information from the HMI in ENDUROHUB®.

Assembly Tracking, Fabrication Records

While rollforming data is sent from the ENDURO® Rollformer HMI and reported in ENDUROHUB®, the new assembly tracking features in ENDUROHUB® allows data assembling walls, trusses and other ENDUROFRAME® Building System components to be collected and easily viewed.

The specification for Assembly Tracking features in ENDUROHUB®, including background information on assembly and fabrication metrics, and why it is important to your business is documented here, ENDUROHUB Assembly Tracker (ENDUROFRAME Help Center login required).

Step-by-step instructions on how to record assembly work in ENDUROHUB® is documented on this page, How to use the ENDUROHUB® Assembly Tracker(ENDUROFRAME Help Center login required) 

Make sure you attend the webinar!

Rollforming and Fabrication progress reporting

After the ENDURO® Rollformer operation software update, HMIMk5 v6.0.7.0, Rollforming progress reporting in the ENDUROHUB® Orders list is improved and more stable. Parts are highlighted green in Cutting Lists when they are completed.

When you upload assembly work information to Fabrication Records, this information is used for Fabrication progress.

ENDUROHUB Rollforming and Fabrication progress bars in the Orders list
ENDUROHUB Cutting List progress: completed parts are coloured green


With this ENDUROHUB® update, ENDUROHUB® managers will be able to view new Dashboard features which uses data sent from ENDURO® Rollformers, as well as data from the new Fabrication Records.

Dashboard: Rollformer Charts, Production Overview summary

The Production Overview Summary chart is now on the Rollformer Charts tab. This chart uses information from the HMI and reports on the rollformer run time.

Dashboard: Rollformer Charts

Dashboard: CutParts Charts, Meters Run

The Meters Run charts has been moved to the new CutParts charts tab. This chart uses information from the HMI and reports on the lineal meters rollformed over time. You can show different Product Codes e.g. C7575ra.

ENDUROHUB Dashboard: CutParts Charts

Dashboard: Fabrication charts 

Various summary charts of assembly data across all jobs are available on the Dashboard’s Fabrication Charts tab:

  • Number of Screws Inserted Per Work Man Hour
  • Total Screws assembled
  • Lineal m of product assembled per man hour
  • Total lineal m of product assembled
  • Meters of assembly per man hour (Wall length and Truss/Floor joist span)
  • Total meters of assembly (Wall length and Truss/Floor joist span)
  • Total hours worked
  • Number of fabricators
  • Break types

These charts use information added to an order’s Fabrication Records.

ENDUROHUB Dashboard: Fabrication charts

Click on the link below to find out more information on this ENDUROHUB® Portal Update and detailed instructions on how to use the new features. ENDUROFRAME® Help System login is required for access.

ENDURO® Rollformer operation software update: HMIMk5 Version

ENDURO® Rollformer operation software update: HMIMk5 Version

We are pleased to announce the release of the eagerly awaited update for HMIMk5, the software used to operate ENDURO® Rollformers which occurred on Monday, September 4th, 2023.

Logging of Coil Information is now possible!

There are several new features included in this release which will improve the operation of your factory. Coil information can now be recorded directly into the HMI including the coil number and the coil weight or length. In turn, this enables the following to be done:

  • Reduce the amount of scrap at the end of coils by loading the exact length of parts to be made
  • By connecting the HMI with ENDUROHUB®, measure the amount and type of scrap that is generated on each coil
  • Get a warning when the coil is down to a user-defined length so that the next coil can be prepared
  • Ensure that the machine setting is compatible with the thickness of coil that is being loaded
  • Provides a check that parts that are thinner than have been detailed are not accidentally rollformed (contact the Enduroframe team if you want this check turned off)

Information from the HMI is now able to be automatically read by ENDUROHUB®!

Tick the 3 boxes below in the Setup menu to have information from the HMI automatically and seamlessly uploaded to ENDUROHUB®.

This uploads a wide range of data which can be used by ENDUROHUB® including dashboard on productivity, rollformer uptime and downtime, the status of manufacturing orders, as well as scrap records. This is our first step towards making ENDUROHUB® your factory management tool so you can track productivity and costs.

Click on the link below to watch a 2 minute overview of these features.

Click on the link below to find out more details on what is included in this release and detailed instructions on how to use these new features.

What do you need to do?

Before the update, follow these steps:

Speak to an expert about how to get started making the ENDUROFRAME® system. Insert your details below and we will call you back.